Mental health and journalism: How journalists can responsibly report on it and take care of themselves - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

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On Demand






Stephanie Foo photo

On Demand


Mental health and journalism: How journalists can responsibly report on it and take care of themselves

This self-directed course features content from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas‘ massive open online course (MOOC) titled “Mental health and journalism: How journalists can responsibly report on it and take care of themselves.” The five-week course took place from June 27 – July 31, 2022.


The course was taught by Kim Brice, Mar Cabra, and Stephanie Foo. They created and curated the content for the course, which includes video classes, readings, exercises, and more.



 The course materials are broken into five modules, along with an introductory module:

We encourage you to watch the videos, review the readings, and complete the exercises as time allows. The course materials build off each other, but the videos and readings also act as standalone resources that you can return to over time.

We hope you enjoy the materials. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Meet the Instructors

Kim Brice photoKim Brice is co-founder of The Self-Investigation. She provides personal leadership coaching and mindfulness-based stress reduction and resilience trainings to a broad public, including journalists and change makers from around the world. Prior to starting her personal development work, she served as a global freedom of expression activist and later as a funder and then organizational advisor to many media, journalism and social justice support programs around the world. She believes creating a more balanced, compassionate and sustainable world starts with nurturing those qualities in ourselves.






MarCabra photoMar Cabra is co-founder of The Self-Investigation. She is a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, digital wellness educator and Acumen fellow working on raising awareness on how technology is changing the way we interact with ourselves, each other and as a society. She writes a column in Spanish newspaper El Confidencial on this topic. She’s committed to creating a healthier working culture in journalism to prevent others from burning out like she did after leading the technology and data work for the Panama Papers investigation.







Stephanie Foo photo

Stephanie Foo is a writer and radio producer, most recently for This American Life. Her work has aired on Snap Judgment, Reply All, 99% Invisible, and Radiolab. She is the author of What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma. A noted speaker and instructor, she has taught at Columbia University and has spoken at venues from Sundance Film Festival to the Missouri Department of Mental Health. She lives in New York City.