Knight Center webinar teaches journalists how to start a successful entrepreneurial project - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

November 22, 2011

Knight Center webinar teaches journalists how to start a successful entrepreneurial project

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Interested in starting an entrepreneurial journalism project or news venture in your newsroom? Sign up now for the latest webinar from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. The online seminar, “Seven Steps to Creating a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Journalism Project,” will be offered in English at 9:30 a.m. (Austin time) on Tuesday, Dec. 6th.

Registration for the English-language course is open Wednesday, Nov. 23, through Tuesday, Dec. 6.

The webinar will be taught by Jeremy Caplan, education director for the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, and interactive and entrepreneurial journalism professor at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School of Journalism.

Participants will learn how to create a sustainable entrepreneurial journalism project by focusing on audience and competition analysis, content development, reaching an audience, looking for start-up capital, developing management skills and tracking progress of the project.

The two-hour webinar costs $30 and participants will receive a certificate of completion from the Knight Center. The course information sheet is available here.