Heather Krause - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

Heather Krause

Heather Krause HeadshotHeather Krause, PStat, is a data scientist and storyteller with over a decade of experience building tools that improve our ability to access, use and make sense of data. She has a strong love of finding data, analyzing it in creative ways, finding impactful stories, and using cutting edge visualization methods to show the results. Her emphasis is on combining strong statistical analysis with clear and meaningful communication. She is currently working on implementing tools for equity and ethics in data. As the founder of two successful data science companies, she attacks the largest questions facing societies today, working with both civic and corporate organizations to improve outcomes and lives. Her relentless pursuit of clarity and realism in these projects pushed her beyond pure analysis to mastering the entire data ecosystem including award-winning work in data sourcing, modelling, and data storytelling, each incorporating bleeding edge theory and technologies.

Her work proves that data narratives can be meaningful to any audience from a boardroom to the front page. Heather is the founder of We All Count, a project for equity in data working with teams across the globe to embed a lens of ethics into their data products from funding to data collection to statistical analysis and algorithmic accountability. Her unique set of tools and contributions have been sought across a range of clients from MasterCard and Wells Fargo to the United Nations, the Canadian Government, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She is on the Data Advisory Board of the UNHCR. She is also the Chief Data Scientist at Orb Media.