Alison Baskerville - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

Alison Baskerville


Alison Baskerville is a documentary photographer and personal safety trainer based in Birmingham, UK. A former-soldier-turned-photographer, Alison is able to blend her military experience with her career as a conflict photographer to translate into realistic safety training for the media community. As a photographer she uses her experience to comment on, document and question the military experience that aims to make work reflecting on important contemporary issues such as social inequality, military occupation, gender identity and safety as well as the long-term consequences of emotional trauma through conflict. Alison is also the founder of ROAAAR – an inclusive safety training organization as well as the Program Lead on the current Next Gen Safety Training Program with the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF). If you want to learn more about Alison’s work you can check out her website or follow her on Twitter @AliBaskerville.