Maryn McKenna - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

Maryn McKenna

marynMaryn McKenna niko momoranduhára omba’apóva ijehegui, ikatupyryeterei Tesãi mayma mba’évape, kakuaaháicha ha jokuái rape mongaru rehegua. Senior Fellow Center for the Study of Human Health-pe avei.
Mbo’ehao guasu Emory-pe, ombo’e momarandukuaa tesãi ha mba’ekuaáre avei. 2017-pe ohai bestseller “BIG CHICKEN: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats”, ohupytýva’ekue jopói Sciencie in Society 2018 ha 2017-pe ojehero aranduka pavẽ Amazon-re, Smithsonian, Sciencie News, Wired, Civil Eats ha avei ambue ojekuaakávare (Plucked rérape oñeguenohẽ Norteamérica rokáre) avei Superburg ha Beating Back the Devil ijopói va’ekue avei. 2019-pe osẽ Resistance Fighters techaukahápe, ohupyty heta jopói Vancouver ha Paris ta’ãngamýi torymoñame avei Resistance 2014, techaukaha Estados Unidos-pe.
TED Talk 2015-pe guare “Mba’e jajapóta pohã ndoikovéivove” ojehecha 1.8 sua javeve ha 34 ñe’ẽme oñemoñe’ẽasa.
Ohai The New York Times Magazine, The New Republic, National Geograpfic, Mother Jones, Newsweek, NPR, Smithsonian, Scientific American, Slate, The Atlantic, Nature ha The Guardian-pe ḡuarã, ha ambue jeikuaaukápe, WIRED-pe oipytyvõ avei. Ohaíre kuatia arandúpe, 2019-pe, AAAS-Kavli Jopói guasuvéva oñeme’ẽ ichupe, John P. McGovern jopói ñomomarandu iporãitereíva Biomédica reheguáre, 2019-pe avei oñeme’ẽ ichupe, 2014-pe jopói Omotenondévape, Pohã puruporã jokupytýpe ha jopói Byron H. Waksman 2013-pe, ñomomarandu iporãitereíva Teko mba’ekuaávare maymave mba’éva. Oiko ichugui Poynter Fellow momarandukuaápe, Yale 2018-pe ha Knight Sciencie Journalism Fellow MIT 2013-2014-pe. Atlanta, Estados Unidos-pe oiko.
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