Lee Zurik - Journalism Courses by Knight Center

Lee Zurik

Lee Zurik

Lee Zurik‘s hard-hitting investigations continue to effect change and garner respect. Lee’s work has been recognized with journalism’s top awards. In total, two Peabody Awards, three Columbia-duPont Silver Batons, 11 National Edward R. Murrow Awards, the IRE Medal, five IRE Certificates, and 12 Sigma Delta Chi Awards. Lee is currently the evening news anchor and chief investigative reporter at WVUE-TV in New Orleans. In addition, he also serves as director of investigations for Gray Television. In that role, Lee oversees Gray’s National Investigative Unit and its new OTT App – InvestigateTV. Lee is a proud member of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) and was recently re- elected vice president of the organization’s board of directors. He can be reached at lee.zurik@gray.tv and her Twitter handle is @LeeZurik.